What's Yoga?
It is an ancient system of self-improvement that includes thousands of physical and mental exercises designed to strengthen and balance the body, rejuvenate the nervous system, and concentrate the mind.

Is Yoga a religion?
It is a technology, and a discipline similar to martial arts. Yoga is a science. It has been practiced for thousands of years by millions of people, so the results are predictable and measurable. It is an art in the way each individual perfects his/her own yoga practice.

Does Yoga hurt?
Conducted in a smart way, accompanied by a correct breathing, yoga does not have to hurt.

Is Yoga hard to perform?
It is easy. In yoga, each person progresses at his/her own pace, and gradually develops strength, flexibility and balance to perform the exercises more perfectly. Every yoga exercise is conducted in a controlled and conscious way.

Yoga Schedule
Yana Kazbekova, Being Yoga Instructor Yana Kazbekova, Being Yoga Instructor Yana Kazbekova, Being Yoga Instructor Yana Kazbekova, Being Yoga Instructor Yana Kazbekova, Being Yoga Instructor Yana Kazbekova, Being Yoga Instructor

Yana's Message:

Welcome to my space. Welcome to Being Yoga.
When I rise in the morning I see myself in the mirror.
I am certain the body that reflects back to me is myself, head to toes...but it is not.
My body is a gift from my ancestors.
My body is my temple.
My body is the only one that has stayed with me since my very first breath and will be there when I take my last (not my house, neither my car, my family, or my couple).
It is the only tool, that is with me unconditionally, in good times and bad times, while I am alive. I receive this gift, my body, to respect it, to care after it and listen to it, as it does to me all of my breathing life.

It doesn't make sense to you, does it?
Have you asked yourself at some point who is it that digests the food that you eat?
Who maintains your breathing while you sleep?
Who conserves your heart beating at night?
All these questions have just one answer: your body is in charge of these processes, and much more. Several centuries ago, someone told us that we had to brush our teeth and created the first tooth brush. We took it for granted. Well, if we don't, we would have such a bad breath that no one would come near us, our food would taste bad and would harbor many bacteria. The same would happen if we didn't bathe in several days. That is how we are trained, to care for our external selves. And what happens with our internal body? How could we detoxify all that is below our visible layer? How do we clean the inside of our body, so amazing laboratory that is in charge of our everyday processes and functions?
Our body produces toxins every second of our passing lives. And there is no way to clean it with a tooth brush, nor washing our body thoroughly with the strongest soup.

There are only a few things you can do to maintain your internal body clean:

  • Eating healthfully, in sensible quantities to get a healthy bowel movement.
  • Drinking plenty of liquids and flush them out.
  • Keeping ourselves active to lubricate our tissues and remove toxins through sweating.
  • Breathing correctly to assure oxygen intake at a cellular level and the exhaling of carbon dioxide.
  • These are basically the four natural forms to maintain our bodies internally healthy.
For that there is nothing better than yoga.
Yoga is noble. It makes available to us everything needed to live healthfully: mental and emotional equilibrium, flexibility and physical balance, even distribution of energy.
And we only need to give one thing: discipline. Nothing more and nothing less. Isn't this great? You don't need to waste your money on expensive equipment, not even tennis shoes. You don't need a particularly special place to practice yoga. You just need to practice it, in a daily basis, at least 15 minutes. In your house.
It could be as automatic as brushing your teeth. Then, upon opening your eyes in the morning, don't ask yourself if you should do yoga today. Yoga is a "tooth brush" for your internal body.
If you ignore what happens inside, sooner or later, it will reflect itself externally, by premature deterioration of the color, texture and odor of your skin, the brightness of your eyes, the stiffness and pain of your joints, failure of your vital organs, clarity of thoughts, productivity at work, your emotional equilibrium. There is no makeup that could hide it.
For some reason, we take it as a normal part of our aging process and we stand it stoically. In reality, instead of being devastating, the aging can lead us towards the true happiness and bliss.

Yoga gives you knowledge and brings you closer to wisdom. It allows you to become aware and sensitive to your body's signs. It teaches you to understand your body, like a live entity.
Yoga is the immeasurable test that allows you to know what state your body finds itself in, and which parts need attention.
Yoga is the cheapest preventive medicine in the world. It will not allow a severe crisis to come. Yoga is the best rehabilitation therapy in those cases where a certain medical condition is already present.
To understand yoga, it is not necessary to spend a fortune, attending a state-of-the-art gym, feeding your own or someone else's ego.
Just observe babies and animals. Notice how they move, how they breathe, how flexible they are. Every act they make is guided by Nature. Animals and babies are not conditioned by social stress. They just follow the four rules of body detoxification, in a most natural way: eating healthfully, drinking liquids, moving and breathing correctly.

Yoga is based on these aspects. Here, every posture is taken from Nature. Accompanied by correct breathing, it adds grace and beauty to your movements. It clears your mind, calms down the constant noise of thoughts in your head. By bringing you to your Now, Yoga makes you functional in every aspect or your life. It harmonizes the relationship between you and your body.
And most importantly, you become aware and respectful of yourself and the world around you.